Utmaningar framöver

Sakta börjar nu Europa komma tillbaka efter helgerna – samtidigt som kylan håller kontinenten i ett järngrepp.

I morgon bär det för min del iväg till Madrid för att mer ceremoniellt lämna över den europeiska stafettpinnen till Europeiska Unionens nya ledning.

Det blir ståtlig ceremoni på Teatro Real och mottagning på kungliga slottet. Och jag måste förbereda någonting att säga.

Under de senaste dygnen – under intryck av försöket till terrorattack mot flygplanet till Detroit i julhelgen – har åtskillig uppmärksamhet kommit att riktas mot utvecklingen i Yemen.

Jag såg att Jeffrey Sachs skrev i FT i går om att ”we are heading towards generalized violence across the Horn of Africa, the oil-poor Middle East, and the landlocked dry land regions of Asia” som ett resultat av en serie av omständigheter men där fokus enbart på omedelbar terrorbekämpning alls inte räcker som politik.

Under det svenska ordförandeskapet började vi sätta utecklingen i Yemen på också den europeiska utrikespolitiska dagsordningen.

Rapporter från våra ambassadörer – liksom annan rapportering – tydde på såväl annalkande storm som på mer djupgående och långsiktiga problem. Besökare från bl a Riadh hade mycket att berätta.

Men jag tror att Jeffrey Sachs har rätt när han pekar på utmaningarna i en större region.

Somalia behöver knappt nämnas.

Att eskorta livsmedelshjälp är bra, men självfallet inte tillräckligt för att ge stabilitet. När vi återsamlss i kretsen av EU:s utrikesministrar om ett par veckor kommer vi att se vad mer vi möjligen kan göra.

Under detta år kommer utvecklingen i Sudan att komma allt mer i fokus.

Parlamentsval i år och sedan förberedelser för en folkomröstning om möjlig självständighet för södra Sudan i början av nästa år. Men jag måste medge att jag tillhör dem som allvarligt tvekar om södra Sudans möjligheter att stå på egna ben som självständig stat under överslådlig tid.

Våra möjligheter att påverka skall inte överdrivas, samtidigt som vi har en skyldighet att göra det vi kan.

8 Responses to Utmaningar framöver

  1. […] 2, 3, 4, Syd, 2, Vg, 2, 3, Blt, Vlt, 2, R, 2, S, N, Tra, 2, Kri, 2, Ns, Hd, F, T, Hv, Smp, Svt, 8, C, Tv4, 8, Smp, […]

  2. hariknaidu skriver:

    What’s becoming even more crystal clear from US reaction under Obama – a pragmatic politician not yet 50yrs old – is a total lack of cultural understanding of what is driving force in current Arab/Muslim and Persian/Afghanistan people.

    The cultural and lingustic gap is getting wider, as terrorism is essentially targetted against and identified with muslims.

    EU will not be able to avoid this serious cultual estrangement unless post-Barcelona process is properly defined and targetted to find some form of rapproachment with not only Megreb countries but rest of the arab/muslim world.

  3. Visionären skriver:

    ”– liksom annan rapportering –” ?

    FRA ska det väl stå?



  4. jameskurmuorwel skriver:

    It is naíve encountering EU´s foreign policy chief and head of diplomacy in the most respected nation on earth, Sweden, in terms of democracy, human rights, justice equality and freedom.

    It is unfortunate that Mr. Carl Bildt, the current swedish minister of foreign affairs, chooses to speak out only when it comes to denying the children of South Sudan, the very human values widely enjoyed by their counterparts here in Sweden.

    Once a Prime Minister through 1990-94, Mr. Carl Bildt turned a blind eye and deaf ears to the plight endured by the children of Southern Sudan in their quest to live an equal, just, free life with their northern counterparts in a secular, democratic and united New Sudan.

    Obviously, Mr. Bildt still cares more about his personal invested interests in the natural wealth (through the Khartoum contracted Swedish Lundin Oil, which he serves as one of it´s board-directors) of South Sudan, than the welfare / well-being of it´s children.

    His statement over doubts of Southern Sudan´s ability to sustain sovereignty over an independent state, is an absurd pretext claimed by many qurters during liberation movements across Africa and during the defunct apartheid system of South Africa.

    The question is what contributions made by Carl Bildt and cohorts to consolidate a secular, just, equal, free and democratic United Sudan, rather than South Sudan´s inability to govern itself?

    It is bizarre and indeed a double standard if not hypocritical, branding poor african-nation in making, while sending costly peace-keeping troops to hostile nations like Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine, where sectarian violence reaps hundreds of civilan lives on daily basis.

    The swedish public needs to once more re-iterate it´s previous noble position in presurizing it´s government, particularly it´s current minister of foreign affairs, not to trade legacies of aggrieved people with 2,5 millions dead as the result, with his personal gains.

    James Kur Muorwel / Eskilstuna – Sweden

  5. stig2entreprenoren skriver:

    ”Utmaningar framöver” börjar bra, ger hopp åt kropp och själ.
    ”Våra möjligheter att påverka skall inte överdrivas…” slutar sämre, tvekande, försiktigt, är det Ashtons nya djärva grepp som här skönjes…

    Låt föredömets makt ta över allt krafsande bland små konflikter och udda länder. Låt inte allt småtjafs fylla agendan. Rita istället upp de grova strecken, kittla viktiga drivkrafter och utmana vassa aktörer. Se till att ta beslut som driver den tekniska utvecklingen. Sätt stentuffa krav och utmana – då blir det fart på vetenskap, ingenjörer m fl.

  6. stig2entreprenoren skriver:

    ”kylan håller kontinenten i ett järngrepp…”
    Uppmana istället folk att ta ett stärkande vinterbad och gå sen själv först i vattnet…
    När det är minus 20 grader i luften är det 0-gradiga vattnet ganska skönt.
    Livsandarna kommer då tillbaka rejält.
    Det är så det skall gå till.
    Plums i bara

  7. jameskurmuorwel skriver:

    Carlism can not united Sudan.
    It is extremely hard to learn that Sweden foreign minister Mr. Carl Bildt still carry his vision of Lundin Oil against the people of south Sudan from the war time up to this time of Pease CPA. The history can tell us, that what hade happened to south Sudan and its people by “our” minister Carl Bildt –Lundin Oil during the war time.
    South Sudanese fought not for the Unity of a “Horse and Rider”, they fought for New Sudan of Pease, freedom, equality, justice and unity.
    Mr. Bildt “would you like to be second class citizen in your own country”? It is absolutely south Sudanese choice to be free to choose either unity or separation. To force people of South Sudan for Unity is what will bring the separation of Sudan, because if the New Sudan is not achieve through full implementation of CPA.
    More than 50 years south Sudanese struggle so that Sudan will be the nation of equal. My grandfather was born in a war, my father was born in war, and I grow up in war, my children were born in war. Because Khartoum governments want to build Arab Islamic Stat impose by force and Jihad against south Sudan which has christen majority. What is insisting of Arab and Islam Stat? Why don’t you help Sudanese people to become Sudanese instead?
    Islamism can not united Sudan.
    Arabism can not united Sudan.
    Christianity can not united Sudan.
    Sudanism “New Sudan” can united Sudan, because is the common.
    It is naïve to a democratic well known country’s’ foreign minister Mr. Carl Bildt to stand in dictatorial and minority side. Why should I remain in a country when call me slave? No I will not. But then let us all therefore change Sudan to New Sudan, where is nobody will be second class citizen in it. So, unless we achieve New Sudan that belongs to all, then the unity will be attractive to the people of South Sudan.
    Gisma Mou Mou/ SPLM Chapter in Sweden.

  8. gismamou skriver:

    Carlism can not united Sudan.
    It is extremely hard to learn that Sweden foreign minister Mr. Carl Bildt still carry his vision of Lundin Oil against the people of south Sudan from the war time up to this time of Pease CPA. The history can tell us, that what hade happened to south Sudan and its people by “our” minister Carl Bildt –Lundin Oil during the war time.
    South Sudanese fought not for the Unity of a “Horse and Rider”, they fought for New Sudan of Pease, freedom, equality, justice and unity.
    Mr. Bildt “would you like to be second class citizen in your own country”? It is absolutely south Sudanese choice to be free to choose either unity or separation. To force people of South Sudan for Unity is what will bring the separation of Sudan, because if the New Sudan is not achieve through full implementation of CPA.

    More than 50 years south Sudanese struggle so that Sudan will be the nation of equal. My grandfather was born in a war, my father was born in war, and I grow up in war, my children were born in war. Because Khartoum governments want to build Arab Islamic Stat impose by force and Jihad against south Sudan which has christen majority. What is insisting of Arab and Islam Stat? Why don’t you help Sudanese people to become Sudanese instead?

    Islamism can not united Sudan.
    Arabism can not united Sudan.
    Christianity can not united Sudan.
    Sudanism “New Sudan” can united Sudan, because is the common.

    It is naïve to a democratic well known country’s’ foreign minister Mr. Carl Bildt to stand in dictatorial and minority side. Why should I remain in a country when call me slave? No I will not. But then let us all therefore change Sudan to New Sudan, where is nobody will be second class citizen in it. So, unless we achieve New Sudan that belongs to all, then the unity will be attractive to the people of South Sudan.

    Gisma Mou Mou/ SPLM Chapter in Sweden.